TTDA aspires to foster quality, integrity, and excellence in training More about us
Gain strong access to the training market with TTDA More about our services
TTDA offers a powerful online platform to help you manage your training activities. Get Accreditation

Our Mission


TTDA's mission is to foster quality, integrity, and excellence in training and development through competency-based education and training, quality standards, smooth procedures, state-of-the-art training resources and information, advice, and support services..

Certification System

Training Standard

The primary purpose of the certification system at TTDA is to ensure that all trainees with TTDA certification have the knowledge, skills, professionalism, and ethical standards required in practicing their newly acquired skills.

Standard Services


TTDA has set the conditions, standards, and procedures for evaluating and improving training and development activities, TTDA has also developed an advanced system to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of training and education service providers and to ensure their level of knowledge and professionalism and their commitment to the ethical standards required in practicing the training profession.


Certified Trainers

TTDA Academy offers distinct opportunities for trainers and training centers to gain strong access to the training market through its regional partners. TTDA also provides them with certificates, educational programs, information and statistics to identify market trends, in addition to helping them develop skills and strategies for managing training activities through its distinguished online platform.

Our Website Services

  • Support Center :
    Our specialized team always receives all your inquiries and questions about our courses or services or about the topics related to training and rehabilitation in general.
  • Certified Center :
    Our site allows you to document your certificate from one of our centers, wherever you are around the world and technically supported with the potential to print the verification page and use it as a reference file.
  • Order Special Course :
    We are fully prepared to meet all your special training needs if you do not find your request directly in our training course, where we will design the training programs that will achieve your success.
  • Special archive of courses and trainers :
    We invite you to view the record of our courses and coaches, which we display in an organized and organized manner on the site to provide opportunities to introduce you to the excellent package we offer to serve you.

Certificate Verification

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Verify Your Certified


Verify Your Certified Trainer
